Cheese and its correct conservation

I should put it in the fridge, but, Will it dry out? ... I better leave it out. Surely, have you ever wondered this, and is that, as you know, he cheese it's a live food a bit delicate, That is why today we bring you a series of instructions to extend your working time to the maximum possible conservation.

For its conditions, all types of cheese will be affected by sudden changes in temperatures, the cold will make it dry and the heat, Conversely, will make you sweat and, so, some of your natural fat will be lost, and this will make the texture change so much, like the taste.

  • The soft cheeses must always be in the refrigerator, between the 3C y los 7ºC.

Of all the types of cheeses that we find in this category, we must always keep in mind that:

The first cheeses to create mold, will be the fresh cheeses. Therefore, once opened and removed from its packaging, we must keep them in a lunch box or any container that has a lid. We must be especially attentive, and also can ferment due to lack of oxygen.

The Camembert, where it is best preserved is in its container (amaderado), but, also, It is advisable to cover the cut part with a plastic film. As you should do with it Roquefort, otherwise, you will impregnate the entire refrigerator with a very strong smell of cheese, that everyone may not like.

*The maximum cold storage time for these cheeses is 15 a 20 days.


    • For the hard top cheeses, (the Manchegos, for example), the correct temperature should be between 7C y 12ºC. You should also keep it in the refrigerator, on the least cold shelf, or in the vegetable drawer, for example. Because it is a cured product, you can leave it out of the fridge for a few days, but only, for a few days.

    Once opened, to preserve it properly, You must cover the cut part with plastic wrap or waxed paper, allowing so, that the rest of the cheese can breathe.

    *Hard cheeses can be kept for months.

    And with this, you already know a little more about the correct conservation of this food. As you see, nothing complicated. By the way, remember that, to enjoy all the nuances, you should leave the cheese at room temperature, for at least 1 time, before consuming it.

    ¡See you in the next post!